Posts Tagged with "wtf"

Slow and very powerful: slush avalanche

Monday, March 5, 2012


This is what can happen if the temperature is to high on a thick mass of snow: heavy wet snow avalanche. This how it looks like on the chairlift. They were blocked for two hours, but nobody was hurt…You hear the girl shouting: “we’re going to die, we’re going to die…”

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Fun with Nordic Skiing

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Okay, those Snowboarders and Freestyle Ski bums make fun of you when you go Nordic Skiing…but respect to these guys. Freestyle Nordic. If you ever tried them on, you know how difficult this must be! (via Mike )

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Historic laps Rossi vs Lorenzo

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

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Even if you don’t give a rats ass about motor racing,  you should look at this. Historical driving by Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo

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Post apocalyptic kitch

Thursday, December 8, 2011


This video for Le Matos is retro-future-violent-camp-kitch . Lovely

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A great ad – “one line Vermeer” by Faber Castell

Monday, November 21, 2011


Even pencils can have great ads. Watch this guy draw one big spiral …to end up with a great piece of art.

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Garrett McNamara 90 foot wave surf world record filmed on GoPro2 camera

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


” I started making the bottom turn and I felt the lip hit me. You can see it in the video. Usually I don’t have time to look around but you see me look round twice and then I get hit by the white water on the shoulder and it feels like a ton of bricks. […]

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Antoine Montant grinds a lift cable

Monday, October 24, 2011


Antoine Montant combines his skïng skills with his parapente knowledge into Speed Riding: going ridiculous fast with a small kite , close to normal un-skiable slopes. So if you can fly, why not grind a cable car ? Above a short version. Below the must see 13minute version which is breathtaking in fullscreen. The speed made my […]

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For guys only – Professional Russian – guns & explosions

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Ok,  I know: guns kill people & animals…but killing zombies, bottles or toilets, or cars with guns & explosions…that’s toys for boys. The t-shirts are wrong too 😉 Example video: bad sniper. Love how he has to wait for a second for the rest of the car to land ….

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Bobby Brown’s triple cork

Monday, October 3, 2011


I think the Heli pilot didn’t think he was going that high 😉

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He made the spectators dive for cover: Jeb Corliss wingsuit grind

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


This is an insane close to the ground flyby. You see the spectators diving for cover…

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