Posts Tagged with "3D"

A mercedes passing through…and the more interesting “making off”

Monday, January 16, 2012


30 seconds of advertising of a Mercedes passing by…euhm …through…and a whole lot of postproduction. Simple idea, very nice execution. Watch the making of below to get the idea 😉

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Water Projections are the new Building projections

Thursday, October 27, 2011


When the  Jordan Melo M8 was presented at Pier 54 in New York City, they used both: a big Barco projector beaming on a waterspray cloud creates a 3D effect. They throw a building projection together with it. Nice effect! (via SansSouciCrea )

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Hyundai takes 3D building projection to a new level

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


We’ve seen 3D projections on buildings before…but combining it with a real Hyundai is a  nice twist… Bonus: The making of

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Back to the start – Ad by Chipotle

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


An ad commissioned by  Chipotle, Music from Coldplay by Willie Nelson. A farmer goes from small to big…and decides to go back to his roots. Great animation! (thx to Crusty )

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The Lego 3D milling machine

Monday, August 22, 2011


Created by Arthur Sacek, a grphic/3D designer with strong Lego influences. As a student he liked to build robots who played tic-tac-toe. 3D printers will be the next big thing to come into reach of mainstream users. (via crossthebreeze)

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Nothing is what it seems: Boardwalk Empire Visual fx

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Brainstorm Digital’s before and after shots from season 1 of HBO’s hit series “Boardwalk Empire”. (via @KoenWeyn )

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3D Printing Service i.materialise makes some nice stuff

Friday, December 10, 2010


Ik kende 3D Printing Service i.materialise als een beetje saai bedrijf van vroeger uit mijn cad-cam periode (toen de dieren nog spraken). Maar tegenwoordig maken ze wel cool stuff: lampen, bookshelves,…een ideaal personalised geschenk. Check out hun Flickr Page

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Meet Buck the Salesman reindeer

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Knap gemaakt, knappe stijl.

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3D Pixelart

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Als pixel fanboy is dit een must: 3D pixelart. Er is soft in beta om ze te maken ook nog!

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3D Digital wallpaper

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Mooi gedaan: je rekent de juiste hoek uit zodat je beamers de hele muur coveren. maakt van deze setting een mockup in 3D …en render de identieke viewports van de beamer projectie …en dan beamen, dan lijkt het of de hele muur een lcd behang is  (Via Capo7)

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